The knowledge you lack as an expat to have a 6 or 7-figure fortune in Germany...

It would help if you had experts by your side...

It would help if you had experts by your side so you can focus on the most important areas.

You don’t know how to invest in a tax-optimized way, buy real estate systematically, or increase your net income through social security and tax savings. You will make mistakes that will cost you unnecessary time and money.

Where are you supposed to get the know-how from if you use your time always to do an excellent job so that you can make a career or be successful in your self-employment? You want to get ahead in your job, and you need time for that…

At the same time, you are also interested in how you passively increase your income so that you don’t have to depend on your working capability for the rest of your life. You want to …

  • Pay fewer taxes
  • Save on social security contributions
  • Have rental income or a paid-off home
  • Generate high-interest income and dividends from investments

Just a feeling of security that you make the right decisions and achieve your individual goals.

You can be excited. We help you with all of your financial matters so you have a comfortable feeling with your future.

The five areas that will make your wealth grow

We have already created strategies for around 10.000 clients so they become financially independent.

This is how we do it:

The undiscovered potential for your wealth accumulation: converting taxes into wealth.

1. Tax-deductible savings rate for investments

A high tax rate is not always a disadvantage, it also opens up many doors for tax savings.

An example: With the right strategy, it is possible to deduct the savings rate, for example for investment funds or ETFs, from taxes. With a high tax rate, this increases the tax refund significantly – the tax refund quickly increases by over €1000 per year. The reimbursement can of course also be reinvested, resulting in a gigantic yield advantage.

2. Increase net income by saving on social security

Taxes on gross income are relatively high in Germany. But there are also opportunities to save on social security contributions.

A change in social security can save employees an average of €200 per month. The monthly savings can be invested to create another major financial benefit.

3. Tailored investment strategy

Especially nowadays, an optimal investment strategy is a must-have. Due to the high inflation, investments should be made anyway. Otherwise, the savings lose their value. However, mistakes in investment decisions are also costly. A unique strategy must be chosen that takes short, medium and long-term investments into account. In addition, high-interest income and dividends are necessary to ensure your financial freedom.

4. Comprehensive real estate concept

In a professional investment concept, of course, rented properties also have a high priority. You need high rental income to stop being dependent on your labor.

But many investors lack the know-how to acquire real estate in a structured way. We support our customers in all individual areas. From the property search, to the analysis of the figures, the examination of the building fabric, to the management of the property.

5. Combination of investment opportunities

The Proper API is characterized by creating interfaces between the individual disciplines.

The savings rate of various investments is tax deductible. The tax refund is reinvested. Contributions are saved in social insurance, which in turn are also invested in a tax-optimized manner. This creates another tax benefit that can be invested.

Buying real estate can also create opportunities to save on taxes.

It becomes clear how great the financial advantage of our customers is through a tax-optimized investment strategy.

A model solution for your asset accumulation: Our customers

We have the solutions for foreign specialists like you. This allows you to build up your wealth with us individually, effectively and, above all, over the long term. Be sure to check out the short videos of Bhuvin, Hardik and Siru. This will give you a deep insight into our professional expertise, our personality and the great results.

Bhuvin Thakker - Director of Engineering

Another consultant advised Bhuvin Thakker in advance. He was sure he was not taking advantage of all the opportunities and was sceptical about his retirement plans. His tax refund was low, and he had no strategy to build an extensive property portfolio.

His goal is financial freedom. He wants his investments to be highly profitable for him.

With Proper API’s help, he dramatically increased his tax refund. The investments in his pension plan were optimised for him and his wife. As a result, he has 500,000€ more assets at his disposal in old age – with the same contribution. His investments are performing at an average of 13.86% p.a. He has also bought a flat in Berlin to live in and a flat in Berlin, which he furnished and rents to students. Further property purchases are planned.

Pranjal Roy - Software Engineer

Pranjal Roy lacked clarity about what he needed to do to achieve his goals. The tax situation was unclear and he wanted a clear plan on how to invest wisely.

A large fortune so that he is secure and relaxed.

His tax issues were all clarified, and new investments were implemented in a tax-optimised way. A diversified investment portfolio was created per his risk profile and return expectations. The investments are currently generating 11.47% interest. In addition, he will soon buy his first property to take advantage of the property market.

Hardik Arora - Machine Learning Engineer​

Hardik Arora knew that he had to invest. However, he lacked the necessary knowledge about which investments to make. He learned early on in his life that not investing properly can have disastrous consequences.

Hardik would like to earn passive income from his investments to increase his standard of living in the future.

He started with a balanced portfolio to gain initial investment experience in Germany. Subsequently, the portfolio became more aggressive as his experience and confidence grew. Proper API actively manages his portfolio and has achieved 16.08% profit per year for Hardik.

The Proper API Advisory Team

Regardless of the starting position you are currently in, we have already solved a comparable situation for our customers.

We know how you feel and know exactly how we can help you.
We will support you every single step until you have no more questions and you have achieved all your goals.

Our consultants have already been able to help thousand of interested parties to build up assets in a tax-optimized, automated manner.

At least five specialists from different departments work on your concept to find a tailor-made solution for you.


  • How can I imagine the initial non-binding consultation?

    That's up to you. We talk about the topics that are important to you. As a rule, we first show you your benefits, and you decide which options you would like to know more about.

  • Is the initial consultation really free and what is the purpose of it?

    Of course, for the following reason: most interested parties cannot imagine how we can specifically help. We have developed a free initial consultation to bring light into the darkness. In the conversation, you can get an idea of ​​your advantages and, of course, our competence. After the interview, you will know exactly how we can support you.

    Afterwards, of course, we want you to work with us. But only if you have recognized your benefit and were satisfied with the free initial consultation.

  • How much does your consultation cost?

    It all depends on your situation and which service you want to use. We would be happy to find out how we can help you in your free initial consultation. After we know that, we can give you an offer submit.

  • How do I know that I am getting good advice and that you are not just selling products?

    Due to our legal position, we are legally obliged to suggest the best solutions to you - you will receive this from us in writing. We are also an association of tax, real estate and investment experts. Five different employees work on your concept, combining their expertise in an overall picture. Last but not least, our internal quality management checks every single strategy, as we ensure excellent advice. Good advice is guaranteed, thanks to the different checking mechanisms.

  • Not sure if this is right for me?

    We can help you. We are convinced of that. Nevertheless, we will call you before you get a free initial consultation. You can ask your questions over the phone to see if it's the right thing for you. You will see your advantage within a few minutes and know that the free initial consultation is worthwhile.

  • Can I get the information in advance by email?

    We work very professionally, so we only send out tailor-made documents. A doctor does not make a diagnosis over the phone with a suitable treatment plan. After the free initial consultation, we will gladly send you the documents you have created via email. Then, of course, you can think about it in peace.

  • How can I imagine the consulting and the strategy development?

    We divide the consultation into several steps.

    - We start with social security and tax savings to increase net income and save money
    - We then create a general, tax-optimized investment strategy on a monthly and one-time basis
    - Individual investment opportunities are now identified and discussed in detail

    The process looks like this:
    → Increase net income
    → Tax-optimized investment strategy
    → Advice on stocks/funds/ETF
    → Real estate advice
    → Next steps in the future
    → Support for investments

  • How long is the care?

    We are interested in long-term partnerships. We look after you as long as you want. There is no limit. You even get a written guarantee that we will look after you in the long term and always provide you with the best possible service. Of course, you will always have a concern in the future. We answer the questions during regular working hours on the same day.

  • Are you a tax consultant, and can you do my tax return?

    Of course, we work together with tax consultants so that we can take care of your tax return. A tax-optimized financial strategy is created by combining individual experts' knowledge.

  • How much money do I need to invest?

    One of the biggest mistakes is that most people start too late. You don't necessarily need large individual sums to invest. We can also begin together and start with monthly savings rates.

    Hardly any equity is required for a property either. Let's check together how much equity you need for your wishes and goals.

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Proper API is an independent adviser in tax optimisation, insurance, investment and real estate. Proper API connects all these topics in holistic strategies to achieve financial goals. We offer you more than 10 years of experience and success.

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